Signs It’s Time to Install New Siding on Your Home

New siding installed on a home.

When siding wears out or becomes damaged, it compromises your home’s protective layer, making it vulnerable to costly problems. One small hole can open the door to insect infestation or moisture intrusion, leaving you with the need for siding replacement and costly repairs. 

Knowing the signs that it is time to replace your siding can help you schedule your upgrade when it’s needed rather than getting stuck with the cost of repairing hidden moisture damage before new siding can be installed. 

Visible Signs You Need Replacement Siding

Take a walk around your home exterior and examine your siding to see if it’s time to replace it. Look for signs like these: 

1. Peeling wallpaper or peeling paint indoors

These could be signs it’s time to replace your siding. If moisture is seeping in through your current siding and into your walls, it can cause major damage in your house. Have you noticed your home’s wallpaper has started to peel off your walls? Is your interior paint also peeling off your interior? Then water is likely getting into your home through your siding, and it should be replaced. 

2. Outdated or faded siding

When your siding’s color, style, or material combines to make an uninviting aesthetic, it’s time for siding replacement. And faded siding creates an unattractive look to your exterior. Once siding fades, its ability to protect your home has weakened. Outdated or faded siding doesn’t mean your siding is useless; it’s just a signal to consider an upgrade before more serious problems show up. 

The good news is that you can get eye-catching curb appeal by updating your siding. Hardie siding and trim products offer a variety of styles and color combinations so you can complement your home’s architectural elements and bring out the best in your exterior. 

3. Loose or missing siding

When siding is installed correctly, it stays intact. If it loosens, it’s likely that it wasn’t installed properly. High winds can cause siding to loosen or detach, making your home vulnerable to damage. If your current siding is not secure, partially detached, or missing, it’s time for siding replacement. 

4. Frequent exterior repainting 

Most exteriors need to be painted every 8-10 years. Hardie siding and trim with ColorPlus® technology needs to be painted after 15 years. If your exterior paint jobs are needed more frequently than they should be, it’s an indication your siding should be repaired or replaced. The problem may not be the paint, but rather the siding under it. Contact a reputable siding contractor (like us!) and have your exterior inspected. Ask for an estimate for replacement siding. 

5. Cracked, warped, or rotting siding

If your current siding is cracked, warped, or rotten, it is damaged beyond repair, so it’s time for new siding. If you spot even a small crack, it could be indication of a larger problem due to moisture intrusion. Poke around the cracked area or hole with the handle of your screwdriver. Is the layer under it solid, or does it crumble when you touch it? Rot under the cracked portions of your siding indicates you need new siding. 

6. Increased energy bills

When utility bills increase, there are several possible culprits. If you’ve ruled out roof leaks into your attic and faulty window issues, then siding could be causing the problem. One of the purposes of your siding is to help your house keep exterior temperatures outside where they belong. Faulty, old siding doesn’t insulate your house well, and can cause higher energy bills. 

7. Evidence of moisture intrusion 

If you see blisters or bubbling under the surface of your siding, they indicate moisture is trapped within your siding. Or if you spot fungus or mold on your siding near the seams, water is likely penetrating it, and it’s time to replace it

Get Stunning Replacement Siding for Your Home 

Don’t settle for subpar siding that leaves your home vulnerable to moisture damage or pest issues. Get gorgeous new siding installed by our experienced team. When it comes to siding, we offer three types of insulation options, but we heavily recommend Fullback®—it provides the best value for your money and superior insulation tailored to our local climate. 

At Presidential Exteriors, as a James Hardie Elite Preferred contractor, we bring top-tier expertise to every project. Learn more about how our siding services can increase your home’s beauty while safeguarding it from the elements. 


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