Do I Need to Replace My Roof?

In the DMV area, many homes have been here for decades. Even though roofs typically can last around 15-20 years, it can be difficult to determine when one needs a complete roof replacement. Some homeowners may not know what to look for to assess the damage a roof may have.

Roofs protect us from rain, heat waves, snow and ice, strong winds, and more environmental conditions. Over the years, these harsh conditions can deteriorate the shingles even without showing obvious signs, such as leaking.

What signs of damage should I look for?

There are numerous issues that can signal that it’s time for a roof replacement:
Moss Growing On Roof

  • Shingles are missing or cracked
  • The roof is showing signs of blistering
  • Moss is seen growing on the roof
  • Water damage in your attic

Tip: Something else to look out for is if you’ve seen an increase in your energy bill. A spike in your energy bill means hot or cool air may be leaking through the roof. This is a definite sign that a replacement is long overdue.


What makes a good roofing contractor?

Proper Licensing. Depending on where you live, a contractor’s license is required. The contractor should clearly provide their licensing information. Transparency is important and withholding this type of information is a huge red flag.

Tip: Look for any awards the company may have received for integrity and quality of work. This can help distinguish whether a company is a pro or does shoddy work.


How will the clean up go?

Replacing a roof is a messy job, especially when ripping off the existing roof. Nails and debris typically scatter around the job-site. Make sure to gather what contractor’s post-job clean up process entails.

At Presidential Exteriors, we use the Catch-All system. This system ensures landscaping near the home is covered, as well as, ensures your home is protected from falling debris. As the name implies, it catches everything. Also, our project managers sweep the yard for additional stray materials after projects are completed.


What about inclement weather during my roof replacement?

Sometimes the weather doesn’t align with ideal project completion timelines. Rain can be a huge concern if a roof isn’t fully installed. A top priority should be making sure your home is protected from water damage. Make sure your contractor has a plan if inclement weather interferes with your installation.

A good roofer in the DMV Area will use synthetic underlayment as part of its roofing system. An example is Deck Armor, which is 600% stronger than felt and has the highest perm rating in the industry. Therefore, no moisture can penetrate through and your roof will still be able to breathe. This will prevent rotted wood from festering.


Will my roof have a warranty?

A reputable roofing company will always offer a warranty to cover the protection of your home. Make sure you understand what is covered under the warranty, especially the fine print. The best roofing contractors will have manufacturer or factory-backed certifications. You’ll know that your roof is protected under a safety net. This coverage is a game changer in comparison to hiring a run-of-the-mill roofing company.


Where do I go from here?

To summarize, research is key:

  • Compare multiple roofing companies – determine the best fit and reputability
  • Check online reviews and previous work done
  • Ask questions! if they are transparent, communicative, and responsive, then they are trustworthy


Feel free to contact us at 571-279-8000 with any questions or to schedule a free roofing estimate!


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